Gold Value Calculator Info

A lot of the resources in our blog discuss calculating the value of your gold. Learn about how weight, purity, and the price of gold affect the final price you’ll receive fi you’d like to sell your gold. Browse all our articles about gold value calculations below.

If you’d like the calculate the value of your gold, you can use the gold value calculator tool on our website here!

Why Selling Gold Locally Might Be a Bad Idea

When you think about gold bars, high-tech images don’t readily come to mind. We think of those stories of people with hordes of gold stored in their shed, huge scores of valuable antique gold discovered in sunken ships, the California gold rush, and other more old-school visions of wealth. While the internet changed a lot, there are some industries that


Rolled Gold: What is it and What is it Worth?

Rolled gold, also known as gold-filled, is a material made by bonding a layer of gold alloy to a base metal, usually brass. This process involves mechanically bonding a thin sheet of gold to the surface of the base metal through a combination of heat and pressure. This isn’t to be confused with gold-plated jewelry. For rolled gold products, the


Is It Worth Selling Broken Gold Jewelry?

Ultimately, the decision to sell broken gold depends on your personal circumstances and preferences. If you have broken gold items that hold no sentimental value and you don’t wear, then there’s little sense in repairing them, or even holding on to them. But don’t throw them out! Broken gold is still gold and can be quite valuable based on its


How Much Are Gold Wedding Bands Worth?

All around the world, gold is the go-to metal for wedding bands. Tradition, mostly. But they are also a valuable metal, they can be easily crafted into stunning designs, and come in a number of shades that offer options for both partners to pick a style they like. However, when the topic of the actual value of gold wedding bands


Did Your Goose Lay a Golden Egg? How Much is it Worth?

Did Your Goose Lay a Golden Egg? How Much is it Worth? People associate gold with value. It’s been that way for a long time, and the tradition has continued even after the US dollar long abandoned being backed by the gold standard in 1971. The bible discusses silver and gold as the first and oldest form of money. It’s


Selling Gold for Extra Cash this Holiday Season

Yes, we love our families. Hanging out with our friends and loved ones so much is absolutely fantastic. And this is one of the best times of the year, no doubt about it. Science has even shown us that giving is more enjoyable than receiving. (You probably already knew that, but science is sometimes a bit slow in these things). All


Current Price of Gold Per Gram & Ounce

Current Price of Gold Calculating the actual value of your gold can be a little tricky. The most confusing part of the process might be finding the appropriate weight measurement to use for your calculation. Gold is measured in troy ounces – a unit not very popular with your everyday scales – so we’ll show you how to calculate the


How To Calculate the Value of Scrap Gold

Calculating the Value of Scrap Gold The price of scrap gold – or most gold, really – is calculated with three primary metrics: the price of gold, the weight of your gold, and the purity of your gold. By combining these three factors, jewelers can calculate the value of your gold by determining the quantity of pure gold that would