Silver Jewelry Resources

Do you have silver jewelry that you’d like to sell? Or maybe you are just looking for more information on valuing and appraising your silver. We buy pure silver in any form, from silver necklacesand silver coins to silver flatware! It may not be worth as much as gold, but silver is more plentiful and can add up faster than you think. The best way to get the most accurate estimate of what we will pay for your silver is to send it in to us for a free appraisal and cash offer.

Browse our articles on the subject below, and request a mailer if you’d like a quote on your silver jewelry today!

Did You Inherit Estate Jewelry? 10 Things to Know (Including How to Sell It)

The passing a loved one is an emotional time, and people are rarely of the state of mind to make the best financial decisions. Unfortunately, it’s one of those forced decisions that comes with such an occurrence – the settling of an estate. And if your loved one (usually a parent, grandparent, or older sibling) accumulated jewelry over the years,


How much is Scrap Silver Worth? Getting the Best Prices Online

Sure, a lot of precious-metal-buying websites have ‘gold’ in their title. That doesn’t mean they won’t buy other metals, though. A good example of a something they’ll buy just as gladly is silver. To a lot of people, this will be music to the ears. After all, many households have more silver – like flatware, coins and jewelry – lying