Diamond engagement rings are usually stylish and elegant, a symbol of everlasting love and affection. Of course, sometimes reality falls short of that intention. Other times, a long and beautiful marriage will end in an inheritance for a child or grandchild, who may not have much of an emotional attachment to the piece. Whatever the reason, it’s very common to sell an engagement ring.
If you like reading the gossip column or celebrity news, you’re very familiar with how much some engagement rings are worth. While it’s unlikely the one you have to sell is worth millions, engagement rings can be very valuable and can fetch more than you’d expect even on the secondary market.
We do not purchase diamonds that:
If your engagement ring has other precious metals or gemstones in it, such as gold, silver, or rubies, our team of professionals will estimate the price of each component and pay you appropriately for each one. We’ll clearly explain how your diamonds and jewelry are priced and give you a no-obligation offer to purchase your jewelry.
The accurate value of your diamond engagement ring can only be determined after it has been expected by a professional to verify its quality, weight, and purity. If you’d like a free appraisal and offer for your gold, diamond, and other jewelry, fill out our form on the left to print your free label or request a free cash for gold mailer pack.
The actual value of your diamond engagement rings are determined by adding the value of the non-diamond component with the value of any diamonds or gemstones. Which makes sense, of course. We’re generally purchasing your unwanted diamond jewelry for its parts, rather than for the piece as a whole. In some rare cases, we are able to offer a price above just the value of the gold and diamonds, like if there is a premium brand name attached to the piece.
As mentioned previously, diamond rings often contain many pieces, so you’ll receive a quote that reflects a valuation of each piece. At a minimum, a valuation of the diamond in the ring, as well as the precious metals in the band.
Diamond Karma’s diamond value calculator is a good place to start if you’d like a rough valuation of your diamond (assuming you have a certification or are confident in the grading of each of the 4 C’s). But as mentioned above, the 4 C’s essentially determine the value of the diamond itself. Generally speaking, most of the value of the ring is due to the diamonds.
Clarity refers to the presence of internal flaws (inclusions) and external blemishes in a diamond. Diamonds are graded on a scale ranging from Flawless (no inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification) to Included (inclusions and/or blemishes visible to the naked eye). Diamonds with fewer inclusions and blemishes are more valuable.
If there are NO inclusions, that’s a sign that the diamond is lab grown. While lab grown diamonds look amazing and can be a good ethical choice, it unfortunately significantly reduces their resale value. At Cash for Gold Mailer, we rarely buy lab-grown diamonds.
Carat is a unit of measurement for diamonds. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams. Larger diamonds generally command higher prices, but other factors such as cut, color, and clarity also play a significant role in determining the overall value.
The color grade of a diamond is a measure of how colorless or “white” it is. The GIA grades diamonds on a scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The less color a diamond has, the more valuable it is considered to be.
The cut of a diamond refers to how well the diamond has been shaped and faceted. It is not about the shape (round, princess, etc.) but rather the quality of the cut, which influences how well the diamond reflects light. A well-cut diamond will sparkle more, making it more valuable.
If you’d like to calculate the value of the gold, you’ll want to learn how to determine the amount of gold in your jewelry. The value of the gold in your wedding ring depends on the price of gold, weight, and purity of the gold.
The calculation would be very similar if the diamond is primarily made out of another metal, such as platinum (more valuable) or silver (less valuable).
The value of diamond wedding rings can vary a lot depending on all these factors. Some are worth tens of thousands of dollars, while many times small diamonds don’t have substantial value. However, small diamonds with exceptional cut, clarity, and colors can be worth more than you think!
Once the pricing factors are calculated on your diamond engagement ring, we can determine how much your pieces are worth. At Cash for Gold Mailer, we operate as efficiently as possible and work with the lowest margins in the industry. That’s why we guarantee the best offer, local or online, for your gold, diamonds, and valuables.
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